Off Market Deals

that fit your


100% Free

Off Market Buyers

100% Free!

Create your BuyBox and only receive deals that fit your BuyBox.

Stop wasting your time with Wholesalers that send you 100% of their deals, even if you don’t invest in that asset type or that area.

You can have up to 5 BuyBoxes on your free subscription.

Get deals every morning in your inbox, but only deals that fit your BuyBox.

Pro Buyers


Looking to get faster access to off market deals on BuyBox?

Here’s what you get with our pro subscription:

  • Unlimited BuyBoxes nationwide

  • Instant emails for deals that fit your buy box. (you don’t wait until we send the emails to everyone the next day)

Off Market Sellers

100% Free

All users can list 1 property for sale, at a time on for free.

Join our platform to learn more.

Pro Sellers


As you read above, BuyBox is always free to sell 1 property at a time.

But if you’re interested in selling more than one at a time, you will pay per slot on BuyBox.

Your subscription lasts for 7 days, and you can cancel anytime.

No limits on how many buyers you can receive through BuyBox.